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Economics News Archive

  • M.A. in Applied Economics Launching this Fall 2024

    With university approval, the Department of Economics made changes to its graduate offering and is launching the M.A. in Applied Economics this Fall 2024.
    The program will cover two semesters and a summer, with some flexibility so working students and others can pursue the degree at their own pace. The degree is STEM recognized and price competitive.

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  • Dr. Gianfranco Piras

    Dr. Gianfranco Piras named co-Editor of the Spatial Economic Analysis one of the leading field journals in spatial economics.

    Dr. Gianfranco Piras, Associate Professor, Department of Economics has been named co-Editor of the Spatial Economic Analysis one of the leading field journals in spatial economics. The journal is published by Taylor and Francis and Dr. Piras' achievement is the culmination of a very competitive application process.

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  • Economics majors at CUA are now officially STEM!

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  • Serena at a mock interview

    Mock Interviews

    Last week, all economics majors had the opportunity to practice their interviewing skills and get personalized feedback on how to improve.

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  • Economics students win Top University Awards

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  • Quality Assurance in the Nigerian Higher Education Sector

    To open the Spring 2015 semester’s Leaders in Development series, The Integral Economic Development Program hosted Dr. Theresa Okafor, Director at the Quality Assurance and Research Development Agency in Nigeria (QAARDAN).

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  • Dr. David Leege, Director of University Engagement and Research at Catholic Relief Services

    Integral Human Development in Practice

    Dr. David Leege, Director of University Engagement and Research at Catholic Relief Services, spoke to IED Program students about the application of the integral approach around the world.

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  • IED students

    An Overview of the Asian Development Bank

    Mr. Craig Steffensen, North American Representative for the Asian Development Bank (ADB), spoke to students during the weekly Leaders in Development Seminar.

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  • Dr. Eduardo Cavallo, Lead Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

    Doing Research at the Inter-American Development Bank

    Dr. Eduardo Cavallo, Lead Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), spoke to students about the IDB’s Research Department.

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  • IED Students Visit the Inter-American Development Bank

    Making Connections: Students Visit the Inter-American Development Bank

    In late October 2014, students spent an afternoon at the Inter-American Development Bank, which promotes sustainable development throughout Latin America and the Caribbean by providing financial resources to support projects in key sectors.

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  • IED students

    Sustainable Development: Why Language Matters

    “Is language developed to the point that communities around the world can interact as we do? What happens when minority languages don’t speak the language of education?” asks Bill Hampton, Director of International Relations at SIL International.

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  • Multilateralism in the Americas: The Case of the Organization of American States

    Ambassador Alfonso Quiñonez, Secretary for External Relations at the Organization of American States (OAS), spoke to Integral Economic Development Program faculty and students about the background of OAS and the current agenda.

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  • IED student

    MicroCredit - Strengths, Limitations, and Trends

    The IED Program hosted Damian von Stauffenberg, Founder and Chairman of the Board at Microrate, to discuss microcredit and its role in development.

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  • IED students

    A Voice for United Change: Sam Worthington, President and CEO, InterAction

    How do you work for a peaceful, just, and prosperous world? Is the solution government initiatives, creating entrepreneurial opportunity, promoting NGOs, or working with individuals?

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  • The Keys to Successful Foreign Assistance

    In his diverse career working with multiple U.S. government departments and agencies, international assistance agencies from other countries, and hundreds of U.S. and international NGOs, Dr. Kent Hill has seen all sides of foreign assistance.

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  • Nicolo Sanna, President and CEO of Netuitive and member of the North American board of the "Economy of Communion" Initiative

    The Economy of Communion: An Example of Social Entrepreneurship Fostering Integral Development

    Who says idealism and business can’t mix? Nicolo Sanna, President and CEO of Netuitive and member of the North American board of the "Economy of Communion" Initiative, which promotes ethical and social entrepreneurship, spoke to Integral Economic Development Program students about the concept of social enterprise.

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  • IED Students

    Chemonics International Visit

    IED students traveled to the headquarters of Chemonics International to learn more about the company, its development programs, and network with current employees.

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  • CocoaAction meeting

    Cocoa Sustainability

    Bill Guyton, President of the World Cocoa Foundation, visited the Catholic University as a guest speaker of the “Leaders in Development” series, hosted by the Integral Economic Development Program.

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  • IEDM faculty in Nigeria

    Program Faculty Travel to Nigeria for Teacher Training Program

    IEDM faculty recently traveled to the capital city of Lagos, Nigeria in the first stage of a project to help implement better training for secondary education.

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  • IED Orientation

    IEDM and IEDP Conduct Fall 2013 Orientation

    The IEDM & IEDP programs held an orientation to welcome the new students, introduce them to the CUA campus and its resources, and prepare them for the upcoming rigors of the new semester.

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  • Graduation Reception: The 2013 Graduating Class Officially Finishes the IEDM Program

    The IEDM program held its graduation reception for the 2013 graduates on Thursday, July 11th at the Vincent P. Walter Jr. Board Room in Curley Hall at The Catholic University of America (CUA).

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  • IEDM Contributing to the Development of Secondary Education in Nigeria Through McArthur Foundation Grant

    The McArthur Foundation recently put out a press release on the funding from five philanthropic organizations for $18 million to improve secondary teacher training in developing countries.

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  • USA Today features CUA's School of Business and Economics

    USA Today recently published a story about how our School of Business and Economics is integrating ethics into our teachings in an effort to make the business world more moral and value-based.>

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  • A Memorable Meeting of the IEDM Community at the OAS

    A group of IEDM board members, students, and faculty recently met at the Organization of American States (OAS) for an event graciously hosted by Ambassador Alfonso Quinonez.

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  • IEDM Student Ismael Koita meeting school directors

    Ismael Koita Travels to Guatemala for Applied Research Project

    IEDM Student Ismael Koita recently returned from Chimaltenango, Guatemala, where he was working on his Applied Research Project.

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  • IEDM Students

    IEDM Students and Staff Visit the World Bank Group

    The World Bank Group graciously hosted IEDM students and staff on Wednesday, April 10th for a guided, instructional tour.

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  • Peace Corps logo

    IEDM Joins with the Peace Corps in Coverdell Fellows Program

    The IEDM program is proud to join with the Peace Corps in its Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program partnership, an initiative that provides graduate school scholarships to returned Peace Corps volunteers.

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  • New Grant Approved for Teaching Training Program in Lagos, Nigeria

    We are pleased to report that the MacArthur Foundation has provided Catholic University with a grant to help improve our teacher training work in Lagos, Nigeria!

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  • CUA Unveils New Integral Economic Development Policy Program

    Catholic University’s School of Business and Economics is pleased to announce the creation of a new Master's program in Integral Economic Development Policy (IEDP).

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  • Wall Street Journal logo

    Wall Street Journal Remarks on CUA's Launch of New School of Business and Economics

    We are excited to announce that as of January 1st, 2013, our Department of Business and Economics is fully launched as a new School of Business and Economics!

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  • Wim De Groof in Nicaragua

    IEDM Student Wim De Groof Goes to Nicaragua to Work on His Research Project

    The Better Work Nicaragua program is one of the 7 country programs of the partnership between the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Finance Cooperation (IF).

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  • New Five-Year Bachelor’s Master’s Accelerated Degree Options Available to CUA Undergraduate Students!

    The Accelerated Bachelor’s Master’s Degree Options provide qualified CUA undergraduate students from the following programs: BSBA in Economics, BSBA in International Economics and Finance or BA in Economics, the opportunity to begin graduate studies at CUA in their junior or senior year and to simultaneously satisfy some remaining requirements for the bachelor’s degree and the beginning requirements of an advanced degree.

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  • IEDM Christmas Dinner

    IEDM Christmas Dinner

    On December 9, 2011 the Integral Economic Development Program hosted the first annual Christmas banquet. The event was held on the campus of The Catholic University of America in The Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center.

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  • CUA Offers New Master's in Integral Economic Development Management

    Catholic University’s Department of Business and Economics announces the creation of a new master’s program in Integral Economic Development Management (IEDM).

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  • Student

    Teach For America (TFA) Partnership program

    We offer the option of a two-year deferral to those who are admitted to the IEDM program as full-time students and choose to join Teach For America.

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