President and Legal Representative
Red Nacional de Grupos Gestores


IEDM Area of Expertise
Community Development - Indigenous Community

Mr. Gutierrez is an entrepreneur who is the founder and president of the La Red Nacional de Grupos Gestores, defined as a second-tier association that integrates and coordinates the Grupos Gestores of the country, constituting a representation mechanism through which local economic development initiatives are promoted.

In turn, the Grupos Gestores are local, permanent, independent, nonprofit, associations created with an integrated business approach by individuals representing different sectors of the community, who work voluntarily to promote economic development in their municipality.

They currently have 100 Grupos Gestores organized, so that the La Red Nacional has coverage in 100 municipalities in 18 departments. La Red Nacional has 8 Regional Offices for Local Economic Development located in San Marcos, Retalhuleu, Totonicapán Mazatenango (Suchitepéquez) Purulhá (Baja Verapaz), Chimaltenango, Huehuetenango and El Quiché, and a Headquarters in Quetzaltenango.

The organization’s projects have received support from several national agencies and bilateral and international organizations, including the IDB, The Japan Special Fund, The World Bank, and USAID.