Profesora Titular in the Law School of the University Complutense
Complutense University


IEDM Area of Expertise
Private Sector - Housing DevelopmenPolitics & Economic Development Policy - Human Rights

Jurisprudence of the European Court on Human Rights, Ph.D.

Paloma Durán earned a PhD on the Jurisprudence of the European Court on Human Rights and has since written many books and articles on Human Rights and Social Rights. She participated in many UN and European meetings, as academic, expert and adviser. She was Counselor for Human Rights and Social Affairs in the Permanent Mission of Spain to the UN during 2001/2004. During that time she was the main negotiator for many resolutions of the UN on Human Rights and Social issues, and she also was the main negotiator on those themes in UN-New York, during the Spanish Presidency of the European Union (2002).

She was one of the six experts of the Working Group of the Council of Europe on Affirmative Actions and one of the authors of the report approved by the Council. Currently, she is Profesora Titular in the Law School of the University Complutense (Madrid, Spain).