

At an international symposium this summer, four undergraduate economics students presented their research about sustainable growth and the economic potential of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR). The symposium, titled “Technological Transformation, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Planetary Sustainability,” was hosted by The Catholic University of America and organized by Dr Tongele, a member of CUA’s mechanical engineering faculty.


Sophomores Will McGowan, Parker Christian, Scott Sander, and symposium-students2Mike McCabe had conducted research about Singapore in their ECON 103- Principles of Macroeconomics course the previous spring. When they heard about the summer symposium, they decided to extend their research and study the DCR. They spent a month researching the extent of the DCR’s diverse resources and economic potential. Applying their research about Singapore’s economy, they compared it to the DCR’s in order to provide a solution to how the country could achieve sustainable growth.



The presentation was a huge success, and Dr. Tongele and his peers commend Will, Parker, Scott, and Mike. Congratulations! The Department of Economics is delighted that its students are taking initiative and applying the valuable principles and research skills they are learning in class.