Research and Writing
Piras, Gianfranco, Sayago-Gomez J,T,, Jackson R. and Lacombe D., “Impact Evaluation of Investments in the Appalachian Region: A Reappraisal", International Regional Science Review, Forthcoming 2018.
Piras, Gianfranco and Kelejian H.H, Spatial Econometrics, Academic Press, United States, 2017.
iras, Gianfranco and Kelejian H.H., “A J-test for dynamic panel model with fixed effects, and nonparametric spatial and time dependence", Empirical Economics, 2016. 51(4): 1581-1605.
Piras, Gianfranco and Kelejian H.H., “An extension of the J-test to a spatial panel data framework", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2016, 31(2): 387-402.
Piras, Gianfranco and Bivand R., “Comparing estimation methods for spatial econometrics", Journal of Statistical Software, 2015. 63(18): 1-36.