panel.jpgThe Spring semester’s Leaders in Development Seminar Series kicked off this January with a discussion panel featuring several CUA alumni.  Our panelists work for a number of different organizations, both public and private, in varying capacities and focuses.  The panel offered advice for our undergraduate and graduate attendees interested in careers in international development.  As graduates of the Integral Economic Development Management and Policy programs, our guest speakers were able to give guidance to prospective and current IEDM/IEDP students, and allay some fears.  Students had the chance to ask questions of the entire panel and speak with them one-on-one. 

The opportunity to connect with alumni who are currently working in the field of development is one of the gallenstein-student-group.pngbenefits of the Economics Department’s IEDM/IEDP programs.  Graduates of the program are always willing to help current students and those considering the program.  The Integral Economic Development programs cover a range of topics and global regions, and allow students to explore a variety of issues in areas they may never have considered or encountered.  Diversity and inclusion are key aspects of international development, and this was apparent in our discussion panel, which included international members from Venezuela, Cameroon and Bolivia. 

The Leaders in Development Seminar Series is open to all students, faculty and community members with an interest in international development and economics.  For more information and updates, please visit the Economics Department website and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.