The Department of Economics equips students with expertise in economic theory and its applications in microeconomics, macroeconomics, development, and public finance. The department offers innovative and rigorous programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, with three Bachelor's Degrees and one Master's. Our students have opportunities for research, and access to a wide network of internships and jobs in the public and private sectors, including Wall Street.

A Global Perspective

The Department of Economics at The Catholic University of America approaches the study of economics holistically within the global setting. Through research and rigorous engagement of economic theory and empirical analysis, we seek to contribute to the advancement of economic science, policies, and development.

The focus on international development, environment/climate change, artificial intelligence, behavioral economics, and data analytics in our graduate program brings a global perspective to our teaching and research. Students at all levels are encouraged to study abroad and conduct domestic or international research to expand their academic experience.

Our faculty are experts in their fields, bringing extensive knowledge to the classroom from their backgrounds in research and public policy work.

  • Three students and two faculty members of the department of economics

    About Us

    The Department of Economics is committed to the advancement of the science of Economics by contributing to its theory and empirical application with rigor and innovation in a variety of fields. It recognizes that the human person is at the center of the economy, and that economics is at the service of humanity. In line with the mission of The Catholic University of America, it seeks to discover and impart the truth through excellence in teaching and research.

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  • Economics student project


    Our programs equip students with expertise in economic theory and its applications in a variety of fields including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, energy, development, finance, and public policy.

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  • Faculty and Research

    Our faculty members are experts in economic theory and its applications in a variety of fields. Our faculty are carrying out groundbreaking research in the areas of energy and environment, spatial econometrics, and integral economic development.

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  • Students in class

    Student Experience

    Learn more about campus life, internships, advising, career development, study abroad, and other opportunities available to students in the Department of Economics 

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  • Student Profiles

    Meet all our individual students, both graduates and undergraduate; each student's profile includes his or her interests, career goals, and more!

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Dr. Martha Cruz-Zuniga

From the Department Chair

Welcome to the Department of Economics at The Catholic University of America!

If you are a prospective student, we invite you to join a select group of students who are preparing to become leaders in the economics field. Our professors are experts in their fields and are eager to work with you. In addition to learning the most advanced economic theories, data analysis skills, and best practices in our three undergraduate majors: B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Economics, and B.S. in International Economics and Finance- Honors; our best students have the opportunity to participate in the Economics Fellowship Program, through which, they engage in research with faculty. Students also have access to a wide network of internships and job opportunities in both the public and private sector, as well as in Wall Street.

If you are a prospective graduate student, we offer a master's program: Applied Economics. In this program, you will learn the most advanced economic theories, data analysis skills, and best practices in the fields of: international development, environment/climate change, artificial intelligence, behavioral economics, and data analytics.

We look forward to seeing you.

Best wishes,

Dr Martha Cruz Zuniga
Economics Chair